Thursday, November 26, 2009

2- The Shape Of The Cross YouTube - The Wonder of the Cross-Vicky Beeching

 YouTube - The Wonder of the Cross-Vicky Beeching The Arabic Translation            
Although we knew that , The Cross was one of the means that brings on the crucified person the shame , and that it was an horrible tool of killing ,that was followed by ridicule and contempt ,but the Cross now has many artificial shapes, the artists competed to make the Cross a bit of the decoration signs , which reflected their beautiful ideas .
In fact , the cross of The Christ ( 11*B.B.Warfield, "The person and Work of Christ , 1950, pp 400-420 ) was made of a simple substances , It was made in a rough shape,  out of the wooden branches of the trees, which they were actually used to hang the killed persons on a branch of a tree, that grew in that area , making cross by using those branches ,were to be extremely contemptible and torture.
Some early reformers like Zwingli (12* see J.Mac Niel " The History and The Character of Calvinism" ) who did not care of these decorations in the churches ,because he thought that , the Cross in the churches were a kind of returning to the paganism,that based upon the thoughts of the artists, and the Satanic inventions or the thoughts of the philosophers .
At the Evangelical churches it is not important to think of the shapes of the Cross , but it is important to think of the great act of Christ over one of those crosses which was existed in the exact time of the crucifixion , whatever was its shape .
The people who trust in using the shape of the Cross, has different schools , some of these schools are not Christian , their aims are to think of what were in the mind of the artists who have done it . 
The Creed of 12*  Heidelberg  said that " It is not able to draw God ,and it is also forbidden at any case , while drawing images of the creatures are acceptable , but God forbids to worship it ,or use it in worship, it is not acceptable to make ourselves wiser than God, who ordered us to do that , God who wanted his church to be preached according to his word , not by the unspeakable images " .and  when we pray or bow before God ,only without a use of any image ,as He ordered us in the second commandment of the ten commandments .
leave a comment .                                                               Rev. Joseph .

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